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How to Translate Strings Files to Another Language [2024]

Translating strings (.strings file format) is one of the core components of software localization. Do it well, and your application will be steps ahead of the competition in terms of both international user experience and performance. 

As a matter of fact, that’s the exact reason we created this post. We’ll tell you how to translate strings files into another language online most productively and effectively. Whether you need to translate strings for Python, Javascript, or XML Android.

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About Strings Files

As described by Khan Academy, “A string can contain any number of characters, including none at all, and those characters can be letters, numbers, or symbols.” 

Unfortunately, not all .strings file translators will improve the translation process for you. In fact, it’s not uncommon for code to be displaced or actually translated along with the data. Not exactly ideal, to say the least.

Maintaining string integrity is not always easy and you’ll want to choose translation software that will minimize the risk of breaking the code. 

Here’s an example of an English .strings file:

Here’s an example of a translated .strings file:

example of translated strings file

Notice how everything stays the same except for the string text that needs to be translated. A good .strings translator will maintain the integrity of your code like this.

That being said, if you learn how to translate strings online efficiently with a solid translator for strings, your organization’s productivity will be further enhanced when it comes to language translation.

The Best Method for Strings Translation

To make it easier and faster to translate strings text to different languages, use web-based enterprise translation software for strings files. You’ll gain access to a suite of tools that make translation faster, easier and higher-quality using the power of AI and machine translation.

Plus, it can enable you to auto-translate text strings.

Read this list of the top 12 features to look for in an online strings translator that’s built for organizations like yours. We’ll recommend a solution at the end of this post. 

Top 12 Software Features for Translating Strings Files

1. Machine Translation Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Looking to streamline the process of translating strings files while minimizing your reliance on manual intervention? Employ AI-driven machine translation. In many instances, you’ll obtain a translated file that can serve as an initial draft and, over time, produce translations that require little human intervention

Would you also like to avoid the hassle of handling parsing problems? Select a strings translator that is specifically designed to handle the strings file format efficiently.

Leveraging machine translation will not only save you time but also cut down on expenses. 

2. Batch Strings File Translation

Many organizations are frustrated by the limitation of certain online strings translation tools, which restrict you to uploading a single strings file for translation. Consequently, you must translate strings pages individually.

However, a solution exists. Some string translators enable simultaneous translation of multiple strings files, a practice known as “batch translation” in the translation industry.

3. Robust Terminology Management

Successful localization hinges on maintaining consistent terminology across languages when translating strings files. Over 50% of translation errors are actually wrong terminology.

A robust Terminology Management feature in your strings translator tool can simplify this process. If you lack a suitable term base, learn how to construct one and integrate it into your translation management system. 

This strategic approach enhances translation quality and ensures uniformity across languages.

4. Translation Memory & Dynamic Machine Learning

Are your strings files filled with repetitive content? If that’s the case, the most efficient approach to online strings file translation involves harnessing the power of translation memory and dynamic machine learning.

When correctly employed, Translation Memories yield rapid enhancements in translation quality while also diminishing the costs and effort involved. Translate a strings file once, reuse often and bid farewell to the need for repetitive translations.

The explanatory video below serves as a useful resource to grasp the concept of translation memory and dynamic machine learning.

5. Strings Translation Editor

To elevate translated text strings’ quality and leverage them for ongoing improvement, choose strings translation software with a robust strings file translation editor. 

This editor, incorporating machine translation, dynamic machine learning, and translation memory, enables you to edit and reuse translations, continually enhancing translation quality. As a result, your application can offer high-quality multilingual text, benefiting your organization’s reputation and bottom line.

Additionally, combining translation editing with dynamic machine learning boosts your productivity. For a quick reminder of the synergy between these technologies, refer to point #4.

Select strings translation software that includes advanced editing features such as instant messaging, bookmarking, search & replace, translation lookup, segment history and more. These tools streamline the translation process and contribute to superior multilingual content creation.

6. Translates Strings Files Online (Always)

Want a more productive, easier translation experience? In today’s world, using web-based software is crucial for making this a reality.

Most enterprise teams you talk to will understand the obstacles involved with desktop-based programs or a desktop-first hybrid. That’s why we highly recommend you choose a web-first translation solution for strings file translation. 

We’ll recommend a solution at the end of this post.

7. Encrypted Cloud Storage

Securing the online translation of strings files requires the utilization of encrypted cloud storage.

Furthermore, this approach facilitates centralized access, effectively eradicating any uncertainties surrounding the latest file version and eliminating the need for back-and-forth email exchanges with attachments.

8. Translates More than Strings Files

Does your organization also translate non-strings files? Regardless, find strings translator software that also translates other file formats. 

This way, you avoid the use of separate solutions and build larger translation memories that get leveraged to their full potential.

9. Collaboration Tools

Do teams collaborate on string translation at your organization? Do you need a bilingual reviewer to review the translation before deployment? If the answer is yes, seek features that help your team work together efficiently. 

Look for a strings file translator with functionality such as file sharing, instant messaging, translation history, segment bookmarking and user permission controls.

10. Compatible with the Languages You Need for Localization

It’s one thing to just translate strings files to English from Spanish, for instance. It’s another thing to translate them to multiple languages. 

Needless to say, you should use a translator tool that comes with all the language pairs your company needs. Not just for now, but also for the future. 

11. Robust API

Interested in linking your applications to an API enabling the automatic translation of strings files online? Seek out a robust API that goes beyond mere raw translation

Look for one that provides advanced API calls so that you can push translations from your translation memories to your development application.

12. Enterprise Security

Does your organization value data security? Use a top strings translator that employs enterprise security. Data security is crucial and should be a high priority when it comes to your organization’s data. 

Some features to look for include multi factor authentication (MFA), Single Sign-on (SSO) and the highest levels of encryption. Be sure to inquire with the software supplier regarding their use of penetration testing and vulnerability scans.

Now that you know the best way to translate strings files online, are you wondering how to find the best strings translation software with all these capabilities? 

strings file translator

Try Pairaphrase. It’s the AI-powered translation management system for teams who value safer, smarter and faster translation in a web-based environment.

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